Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fishin takes all?

Interesting Blogger phenomenon - posts about plants N gophers pale in comparison to those surrounding kayak fishin'. The stats graph spiked. Maybe ya'all fancy some Tupperware-centered angling. Here's another shot from Siletz. Those mountains are more glorious in person, I swear.

Further reading had me realizing that Ken's novel,  Sometimes A Great Notion, led to a movie filmed here. There's even a fishin' hole called the Movie House. It's where they filmed the show, and is now pretty dilapidated.  I've been long meaning to watch that flick. Or read the book.  But, between gophercide and gardening, and random trips to the sea, time has been short.

The drive back from Siletz was fueled by a radio program that made me reach for an old envelope and pen. Jot stuff down, I did! A public radio show featured an artist so profound that I had to slow down and scribe a name. Possessed by Paul James. No hyperlink - that kills timelessness, doesn't it? Look him up. Please. Stompbox, multiple instruments, much soul.

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