Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Spoon River and the Chicken Walkabout

Wow, it's been a while. All creative output has, however, been placed upon the above. Those of you local, go forth and watch. It's been a labor of love, and the end product couldn't bring more joy and satisfaction to this composer. The cast is nothing short of amazing, and - I may be biased - the direction is top notch. Regarding that - the directorial fellows have spent many a night huddled in this coast range hollow, listening to my esoteric ideas and steering me back into relevant reality. Many thanks to them. And to the better half of Oak and Quail; her efforts and patience were undying.

In other news, a beloved hen was, seemingly, snatched by a coyote. Beatrice, who's comb had been shredded by her sister, Rue, came up missing. The fencing was bent, and neighbors reported numerous missing birds. The feral dogs were sighted in the adjoining wildlife preserve. A few nights had passed, and as I sipped my morning coffee, I caught glimpse of Rue outside of her double walled enclosure. Damn filthy dogs dug under, created a hole, abandoned the job, and left poor Rue to escape?

I opened the door and the chicken ran, as only obese birds can, toward her human pa. I scooped her up and immediately noticed a chewed up comb. I gazed again toward the coop and caught sight of another Rue. The bird in my arms was grubby, wide-eyed, and giving a gaze that made me believe that she had seen some shit. Beatrice? Yep. Turns out that there was no coyote - only a simple walkabout conducted by a chicken set out for adventuring. Where did she go? Two nights in the wild? A wild rife with dogs, hogs, and birds of prey? Again, yep. And she found her way home? With that tiny walnut-sized brain. Huh.

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